On Sat, Mar 01, 2003 at 11:02:33PM +0200, Beni Cherniavsky wrote:

> OK.  Then have a relative path to the top in every makefile and let
> `make dist' in the top directory fix these pathes in all makefiles in
> subdirs, before creating the archives.

No. As mentioned previously, having a relative path to the top
makefile in every subdir makefile breaks horribly when you start
moving them around. 

The solution I like best is to use a top level Makefile which builds
everything else. For example, 

make -f Makefile.build obj=arch/i386/boot/

As for my "thought excersize", no 100% fool proof to do that, given
the constrained I outlined. I think Oleg Goldshmidt came closest in
private communication. 
Muli Ben-Yehuda

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