> On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 09:33:03AM +0200, Eli Segal wrote:
> >
> > Do I have to use the debian source ? can't I use the latest terball ??
> >
>   Can you be more specific about what the problem is? Is it that Debian
> doesn't have the latest upstream version or is it something else?
> Although I probably won't understand what your patches do can you post
> them to me? It would help me in some way see what you are after.

I don't have "patches" it just that i want to have some application with
hebrew support
like licq, xchat, Abiword ...

right now you have to compile them to get hebrew support, and i think it
would be
nice to have it out of the box

>   In addition, I do believe that it would help if this discussion will
> go to the list too.
> --


>     Shaul Karl, [EMAIL PROTECTED] e t

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