> On Sun, Mar 09, 2003 at 09:25:28AM +0200, Eli Segal wrote:
> >
> > I don't have "patches" it just that i want to have some application with
> > hebrew support
> > like licq, xchat, Abiword ...
> >
>   Dekel informed us that Abiword should be taken out of this list. Or
> am I missing something?
> > right now you have to compile them to get hebrew support
>   What version of Debian are you using?
>   What are the correct answers?
>   Hebrew support doesn't come out of the box because:
>     1. Debian does not have a recent enough version that have Hebrew
>        builtin.
>     2. When compiling the package you configure it with additional
>        switches which let you have Hebrew while Debian does not compile
>        the package this way.
>     3. Anything else? Please elaborate.

its number 2

>   I am also interested to know how exactly are you compiling the
> packages. Please give as detailed instructions as possible.

well to get hebrew on licq, i need to compile with bidi support
xchat need to be copile with hebrew-support
I don't know how well Abiword works out of the box in sid
but now you have to compile it with bidi, and take a long root to install
the fonts for it

i'm using debian sarge

> >                                                         , and i think it
> > would be
> > nice to have it out of the box
> >
>   I agree that having Hebrew support come out of the box is desirable
> and deserves all the work we can put into it.
> --
>     Shaul Karl, [EMAIL PROTECTED] e t

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