Quoting Gilad Ben-Yossef, from the post of Thu, 27 Mar:
> No, this is not what being said. Shachar & Doron, among others, are part 
> of the group of people from various bodies that pushes this along. We're 
> not on the web site bexause we don't pay $big_bucks to sponser this. In 
> fact, in light of current events we are not really sure of the stauts of 
> Hamakor, as a body, in all this.

it has three members active voluntarily on the organization of it. what
was your influence so far, have you been able to inject a few FS/OSS
colors into the lecture schedule? if so than why not get credit?

> >>Shlomif's knoppix clone, 
> >
> >
> >umm?
> http://www.kde.org/il/knoppixkde/
> Kudos to Shlomi Fish for the effort!

yeah, yeah, and I invented the Internet.

it's a technion account but it's shlomil not shlomif.
Shlomi Loubaton, our appologies!

> >I'm all for that. donations will always fit the whims of the donating
> >parties and rarely those of the community. for the price of SCSI we can
> >get half a tera of IDE ourselves.
> I agree. You did pay your hamakor registration fees so we can afford to 
> finanace this, hmmm...? :-)

I'll consider paying my dues if the amuta chooses to reimburse me for
the domain.  Until then I guess I'm not a member.

bli kesher, I'd independently donate a nice sum to see another server
with a nother big mirror on a different ISP's network.

next time a guy slaps a 100 NIS bill on the table, smile politely, take
the bill and give him a kabalah of Hamakor and a CD of Knoppix :)


A religious experiance
Ira Abramov

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