On Tue, Jun 24, 2003, Ely Levy wrote about "Re: kde":
> I think it can be done using aspell,
> they are still stalling the prefix suffix support
> but if someone would help them add it, it won't be too hard
> to write a module for aspell that uses hspell's logic/wordlist

Aspell is not likely to have affix-compression anytime soon (they've
been "working on it" for ages) but Ispell and the OpenOffice "MySpell"
do have such support.

The harder part is using Hspell's word list, and our knowledge of Hebrew
prefixes, to create a much smaller (about 10-fold smaller) affix-compressed
list to be used by such spell-checkers. While we have fairly good ideas on
how this should be done, it is anything but trivial, and it will be
postponed till after Hspell 1.0 unless another developer starts working
on Hspell. The existing "hspell -a" pipe interface seems to be supported
by a good variety of applications with only small modifications, so it is
a solution for the time being.

Nadav Har'El                        |    Wednesday, Jun 25 2003, 25 Sivan 5763
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