Hi, here is my problem:
There are times that when I am ripping a movie, or doing something else like opening 
mozilla ( as a regular user)
my computer freezes. Not even a BSOD.
even if run the script with nice 10.
in the file /etc/security/limits.conf you can setup:
"cpu - max CPU time (MIN)" or "nproc - max number of processes" I do not know if when 
a proccess reach this limit is killed or suspended.
anyway cpu time is not a real parameter to see if a proccess is coucking the machine. 
for example "autorun has a bigger time that a mozilla instance that just started.
there is a little applet in kde to catch runaway proccess (it is not based in perc of 

How can I limit the percentage of CPU for a regular user? 
If the proccess that is limited jump to the execution to system level (like writing to 
hdd) will still hang the PC.

How can you prevent an user from killing the resources of a shared server?

I would like to have a preemtive system so no one can pass the limit, and not a 
monitor that would tell me that someone is misbehaving.


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