i tried checking for the possibility to have spam filtering with the
following configuration:

remote mail server, accessed using 'pine', via an imap server.

- thus, i cannot install a spam-filter on the remote server.
- the local procmail is never activated, and thus seems to be un-useable
- i can't use fetchmail - this is imap, not pop3.
- couldn't find a way, in pine's configuration, on how to set up a filter
  that passes the message via an external program.
- searching for a solution using google, as well as reading spamassassin's
  documentation, just shows solutions that assume you can set spamassassin
  to run via procmail. this does not seem to work for my setup.

is there any solution, _WITHOUT_ replacing the mail client, and without
reverting to pop3?


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 or dial 0, and please hold, for the creator." -- nob o. dy

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the word "unsubscribe" in the message body, e.g., run the command
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