On Wed, 31 Dec 2003, Alon Altman wrote:

> On Wed, 31 Dec 2003, guy keren wrote:
> > i tried checking for the possibility to have spam filtering with the
> > following configuration:
> >
> > remote mail server, accessed using 'pine', via an imap server.
> >
> > - thus, i cannot install a spam-filter on the remote server.
> > - the local procmail is never activated, and thus seems to be un-useable
> > here.
> > - i can't use fetchmail - this is imap, not pop3.
> > - couldn't find a way, in pine's configuration, on how to set up a filter
> > that passes the message via an external program.
> > - searching for a solution using google, as well as reading spamassassin's
> > documentation, just shows solutions that assume you can set spamassassin
> > to run via procmail. this does not seem to work for my setup.
> >
> > is there any solution, _WITHOUT_ replacing the mail client, and without
> > reverting to pop3?
> IIRC, fetchmail supports IMAP, so use fetchmail+procmail and then either
> use the downloaded mail locally, or use IMAP to upload the mail back to the
> server.

this setup defeats the purpose of using imap in the first place - to be
able to see all messages _without_ downloading the messages themselves.

i'm beginning to think i'm asking for the imposible - to filter the
letter, i need to first download it. however, i should be able to filter
out by the message headers that _are_ downloaded by imap, thus eliminating
a large part of the spam, and only then downloading the rest of it for
further inspection...

oh, well. no spam solution for me...


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