Oded Arbel wrote:

×××× ×××××

Will you tell us what the final decision was (when it taked place), please ?
just the usual curiosity :-)

Well, yesterday was the meeting. It turns out that we are still in the design stage - what
sort of data should the application have and how will it help its heaviest user (the poor guy
who has to feed all those flights into the computer every week) do his job in the easiest way.

But at least on the way there and back I gave a lift to the valunteer programmer who knows
VB+Access+ASP and got a chance to talk to him. Turns out that he is an auto-didact for
about 7 years. Giving him the club's bad experience with Magic and how open source would
have prevented this, then extrapolating this on Microsoft products seem to have had a large
effect on him. He wasn't aware of the pricing, even when I told him that as far as I know it
will cost around 1000$ just to buy the licenses for a Windows Server (I'm not an MS
licensing expert, I just know it costs me more than Linux :).

He still would like to write the desktop data entry program with Access/VB, but it seems
that I'll get a chance to push openner technologies for the new "members service" site.

Thanks everyone for the tips, the discussion helped me a lot to approach this.



PS - Does anyone know a GUI designer who'd like to help us in an open-source project?

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