On Sun, 22 Feb 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> My gliding club is going to write their own software, after years of being
> dependent on an ancient Magic software that no-one could update and did
> a fraction of the requirements.
> A club member who knows MS stuff valunteered to write it in VB+ASP+Access.

this is the single most important argument - that there is someone that
said they will do it. there's no good way to beat that in a gliding club.

the next best thing you can do, after vulanteering to do it yourself (or
finding someone else to vulanteer doing it on linux), is try to talk to
this guy personally, convince him that he wants to learn about linux (it
will give _him_ an edge over people who only knows windows, and open new
opportunities for him), and then tell him that this _is_ a good
opportunity to start learning (i.e. he is over the part of finding an idea
for a project, which serves a real purpose).

ofcourse, you'll need to talk to him privately before the meeting with the
other club members - and then have him on your side during that meeting.


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