Quoting Gilad Ben-Yossef, from the post of Tue, 04 May:
> The reason they charge more for a fixed IP is the same reason dogs
> leak their genitals: because they can.  Or to put it in "economic"
> terms: because people are willing to pay extra for it. It has nothing
> to do with the their cost.

I know that, and for that reason I'm not going to pay extra. I will be
very happy to pay extra for anything that indeed COSTS, not for this.
For this same reason I refuse to subscribe to cable TV to channels I
don't need, nor pay or commit to Partner communications for an upgrade
to a phone that costs them peanuts and my monthly bills pay for quite
sufficiently as it is. It is both my right and my duty to tell vendors
in their face what I think of their pricing scheme when it changes and
"vote with my feet" if the need arrises.

Circus freak
Ira Abramov

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