Avraham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
1-Downloading automately all the new stuff requires a pretty large /var
directory. It's on a separate partition, in my system. How large should
that be?

My apt-cache directory (/var/cache/apt) is currently about 1.2Gb. I don't clean it up very strictly but this should give you a ballpark.

2-When running ahead with upgrades, it happens from time to time that the
new version misbehaves and you wish to return to the previous one. Cna you
recommend a convenient way to find out what has changed in order to be
able to revert it. For the moment I use the tee command to save all
information from install in files, but it's rather unpractical.

1. If you use aptitude (my favourite, and I check synaptic from time to time) then you should have a pretty useful log of "what has changed" in /var/log/aptitude*.

2. If you install apt-listbugs then you'll get a chance to check all
bugs about a package and version before you actually install it (and
abort the install if you don't like what you see).

(My modus operandy these days is to mark all "upgradable packages" in
aptitude to "upgrade", tell it to "go do it", and if apt-listbugs shows
me any open bugs about a package I abort the install and mark this
package to "hold").

3. If after all this you need to go back to an older version of a
package and you can't find it in /var/cache/apt then you can look it
up in http://snapshot.debian.net/. It's a site which keeps ALL versions
of ALL packages ever uploaded to Debian (yes, it's pretty insane).
Don't give up just because of the wierd organization, eventually you'll
find the version you need somewere there.



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