> Actually my letter concerns another of your questions : about
> the function of alt-D etc in the xterm, but I cannot find your
> initial letter.
> I had this problem some time ago, and as X is built of so many
> layers and I did not know where to look for the culprit, I
> resorted to comparing all the configuration files between the
> new distribution (in which I met the problem) and the old one.
> To my surprize the relevant difference was in the line: Option
> XKbModel in the XF86Config file. This was pc101 in the old
> file and pc104 in the new one.
> Changing pc104 to pc101 solved the problem.

Actually, I have no problems with CTRL-D (exit/logout); I have needed to use
CTRL-H instead of backspace in vim (but not in the command-line itself), both
running it in xterm and in the tty.  The keyboard section of my XF86Config file
looks like this:

Section "InputDevice"
  Identifier      "Keyboard0"
  Driver          "kbd"
  Option          "XkbModel" "acpi"
  Option          "XkbLayout" "en_US,il_si1452"
  Option          "XkbOptions" "grp:switch,grp:alt_shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll"

Two other questions: does anyone know how to use the il_si1452 keyboard layout
in xterm/tty, and; what about the missing kuf from the xterm/tty Hebrew font
package?  I've seen people ask about this one before: instead of a kuf, I see a
blank space.  Any ideas?

Plus, if someone knows why running the lines

setfont -m none -u none iso08.16
loadunimap /usr/share/kbd/unimaps/8859-8.a0-ff.uni

seems to disable the pasting ability of gpm, I'd really appreciate it...


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