Quoting Lior Kesos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Has anybody implemented an oscommerce/zencart + automatic charging scenario.

Yes. In our little country, it usually requires a middle man. That is - a
company that connects to Shva (which does clearance for all credit cards in
Israel) and gives you a protocol with which you connect to it, as well as an
interface that allows you to follow the transactions and find problems.

I'll give you the name of such a company in private, if you want. But I'm sure
there is more than one.

The interface in our case was https based - you pass it some parameters (your
user ID, credit card number, sum, type of currency), and it returns success or
an error code. I implemented this using CURL from PHP. So the credit card
numbers are not kept in your database and do not become a privacy liability. We
did keep the last four digits of the credit cards for follow-up, though.

Of course you have to set up an account with the clearance company, and if I'm
not mistaken the service is limited to a specific IP, which means that you may
have to negotiate with your ISP to not use transparent proxy on your machine.

There is also a possibility of working directly with Shva, but if my memory
serves right, they do not supply IP-based services, only a telephony interface.


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