Quoting Yedidyah Bar-David, from the post of Sat, 13 Nov:
> > Three months ago I changed my dual-P2/350 to an Athlon K7/900.
> > apperently this was a bad move since I can see absolutely no improvement
> > in speed (probably since I cut the L2 cache in half).
> That's weird. I have a feeling I read exactly this expectation from
> you some time ago (a quick google search ... Aha:
> <http://www.mail-archive.com/iglu.org.il-linux-il@iglu.org.il/msg00416.html>

Well, At the time I had less cash floating around to do this switch and
decided to postpone this a bit, and do an empirical test with a K7 board
I had available. the test showed my original guess was correct then :)
L2 cache amount counts more than megahertz.

> Although I must say "no improvement" is a bit weird. Do you mean "in
> general, day-to-day, non-timed work", or in specific CPU-intensive
> things you do?

The first. This machine is my mail server at home, Web browser, mutt, CD
burner and in the rare occasion also an MP3 player. I am thinking the
extra CPU muscle will allow for smoother Firefox experiance, DVD playing
and hopefully mastering the translation of old videotapes, 8mm and
Super8 projector films to the realm of the DVD or at least DIVX, and
just maybe other DVR features as well.

> Contrary to Itanium, K8 runs 32bit code very fast. I am not even sure
> that "normal" (with normal being quite hard to define) apps will run
> faster as 64bit. As was shown in some article, some will surely run
> *slower*. In short, the main use is if you need more than 4GB RAM.
> Otherwise simply use 32bit versions and wait for things to mature.
> Good luck, and tell us about your experience,

I think that is indeed what I will do... wait for things to mature then,
and not change the kernel too fast (or not much more than the kernel
anyway). My main complaints today are rather silly and probably have to
do more with bus speed and bad mozilla optimizations. I must admit that
at work I had a dual-boot windows+debian on the same T23 laptop and with
all the MS annoyances, sailing the web on same-version firefox, is MUCH
smoother and more stable in winXP than in Debian Sid (remember, same
hardware as well).

on to my next project now... figure out why kernel 2.6.9 killed cdrecord
and how to fix it. sayonara for now.

Shabat Shalom,

All-American hero
Ira Abramov

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