On Tue, May 24, 2005 at 03:46:27PM +0300, Shlomi Fish wrote:
> Check:
> http://www.advogato.org/article/841.html

This is a very well written article, which attempts to justify software
and other intelectual property using the following skewed arguments:

1. It isn't copy protected, so it's okay to steal.

I hope you lock your doors when you leave home, after all this is 
justification to walk into your home and walk out with the TV, computer,

Where do you live? I could use a new computer and clothes dryer. Might as
well post your address, I sure there are enough people on this list to
use whatever you own. :-)

2. It isn't really being stolen as it has no physical existance.

That's the whole idea of copyright. People who create things that are
not tangible get compensated for their efforts. Copyrights did not exist
until the late 19th century. Samuel Clemmens (aka Mark Twain) was one
of the leaders of the movement for them. 

This created a group of people who lived off of their creations, instead
of a rich patron or the sweat of physical labor. Without copyrights and
patents, there would be very little creation.

3. My father pays for his music, so therefore I can steal mine.

How does paying one artist justify stealing from another? It would be like
paying for milk and the expecting to eat meat for free.

4. I don't make my living creating, so therefore I can steal from someone
   who does? 

(What do you do?, How do you support yourself?).

> Is it part of Hamakor's agenda to protect the people's right to share media 
> files?  

No, it is not. The only right that Hamkor should defend is the right to 
P2P sharing of material that is legal to share.

> If not, whom should I contact about further action? The Israeli 
> Society for Human and Civil rights?

I don't know, if you are relegious I suggest you contact a rabbi. If not,
try a good intelectual property lawyer. And while you are at it read
"Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand.

Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Jerusalem, Israel [EMAIL PROTECTED]  N3OWJ/4X1GM
IL Voice: (077)-424-1667  IL Fax: 972-2-648-1443 U.S. Voice: 1-215-821-1838 
VoN  Skype: mendelsonfamily

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