On Saturday June 25 2005 22:29, Amir Binyamini wrote:
> Hello,
> First , Fedora 4  bittornet download + installation went smooth.
> I am using the Panel keyboard indicator to switch between
> english and hebrew. (I had added " Israeli" (hebrew language , in fact) in
> keyboard preferences->layouts->Add).
> The keyboard indicator is a toggle:
> A mouse click on the "USA"  keyboard indicator on the "panel" "line
> switches it to hebrew (in fact it it termed "Israeli" and it changes to
> ISR) and another click on it changes it back to english.
> I wonder if there is a way to create a keyboard shortcut (without writing
> any code)  which will perform
> this task ; toggling/switching between the hebrew and english (and other
> languages if somebody needs more).
> I did not see in Preferences->Keyboard shortcuts a way to achieve this.
> (What I really want to achieve is that pressing ALT+SHIFT will do this
> toggle task

Ok, there is no really a reason for your windowmanager (GNOME, right?) to 
perform this for you. X got that nice xkb part that really does the job. So 
if the idea of having the same set of languages and shortcuts for everyone 
that uses the computer then the InputDevice section of your X configuration 
file is at your service:

Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "Keyboard1"
    Driver "kbd"
    Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
    Option "XkbLayout" "us,il"
    Option "XkbCompat" "default+group_led"
    Option "XkbOptions" "grp:alt_shift_toggle"

It this configuration, I use the Scroll Lock LED on the keyboard as the switch 
indicator and the Alt+Shift (right and left) key combination for switching 
language groups back and forth. You can use other software group indicators 
if you want the indication to be in your panel. I don't really remember if 
the GNOME indicator can detect the language switch.

Sincerely Yours,
Michael Vasiliev

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