I am also thinking of moving to linux-only for about 10 years now,
both in work and home
(my own system has always had dual os via dual boot, colinux, vmware, etc ..)

1. firefox (even on windows) does not support a lot of israely sites: my nephue can't play at fun.walla.com, i can't reach yes's program guide, etc
2. OO: even with OO 2.0 beta, i tried reading a word document - it worked, but when i saved it back, parts of it were net readble by word (which the targets of this doc use)
also, the default format that OO 2.0 saves is not compatible by OO 1.0 , so saving it in oo 1.0's format is similiar to saving word in word97 format or rtf
3. things like GIMP: at my mother's house, i installed GIMP. but my sister is used to working with photoshop, and took her long time to find the functions she needed, and she said some are missing (or maybe they had different names, and she didn't find them). in short, most people are used to windows.
4. at my work place, we use exchange server. as i do not have a good open replacement, i had to leave it that way. i tried to set evolution to work with it, but after spending two days on it, i gave up as it didn't work.

btw, command line is not obsolete, I use it more than i use gui, it is also better passed on a low bandwidth link, it is great for repeated jobs ( for instance, i needed to have 100 scans with my scanner. command line loop was a lot better then fireing up the gui each time).


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