On Thu, Oct 06, 2005 at 01:41:54PM +0300, Uri Even-Chen wrote:
> >
> >And recently Massachusetts declared it to be the official documents
> >format for all govrement workers as of 2007. Which probably means
> >MS-Office will be forced to support it as well by then.
> And what happens until 2007?  They will keep using "Word Document"
> formats?  Why wait 2 years?
> >It's a free market. Then can either support the new standard and still
> >keep that client or not support it and force the every civil servant to
> >have OpenOffice (or a different conforming word processor) installed on
> >his/her desktop.
> I agree.  It's good to have a standard.  But why only in Massachusetts?
> And why only in government offices?  Why not include lawyers & business
> offices too?  [lawyers use almost 100% MS Office formats.  Believe me, I
> know].

And what are you going to do about it?

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