On Mon, Sep 11, 2006, Uri Even-Chen wrote about "Re: Freedom of speech online":
> On 9/11/06, Nadav Har'El <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >Uri, the situation you're describing is possible technically, but highly
> >unlikely.
> You think it's unlikely, because you don't expect secret agents to
> read and/or block E-mail messages of ordinary people like me?  What
> if, for example, there was someone (let's call him Osama) who is a
> very dangerous terrorist.  Don't you think they will do it to him?

I think everything is a tradeoff. Say it costs $100 a day to do this sort
of surveilance on someone: let's say this (made up) cost includes lawyer
fees (somebody had to convince that judge to issue an order), computer
operator fees, hardware fees, and of course, the cost of someone to actually
do something with your mail. If this surveilance carries on for a month,
it would cost $3,000.
If these prices were correct (and as I said, I just made them up), would
the US blink for a second before investing $3,000 a month to follow Bin Laden?
Of course not - they are already spending millions to chase him.

But will the Israeli police invest $3,000 a month to follow one of the
*thousands* of people who were arrested this year, one of the *thousands*
of people who are political activists for the "wrong" party, and so on?
Somehow I doubt it. Last time I delt with the Israeli police, it looks like
they didn't even have a shekel to spare.

> Read his E-mail, and maybe even censor it?  I think you should at
> least consider the possibility that they can and will do it.  So the
> question is not if they are capable of doing it (I think they are),
> but if they are capable of doing it to me (as in Uri).

My hunch: they are capable of doing this, but haven't done this in your
case. My suspicion is (although I don't know your crimes :-)) that the
Israeli Police, Mossad, Shabak, or whomever you suspect, have much bigger
fish to catch: terrorist leaders, mafia bosses, gang leaders, embezelers
of millions, car theft rings, armed robbers, and so on.

> I think they are.  I think they also sent agents to speak to me, spy
> on me and pretend they are ordinary people.  I think they listened to
> my phone calls, and even disconnected some of my phone calls.  It's

This is a different issue. Being "probed" by undercover agents sounds
like a harmless, routine, work of the Shabak. For your phone to be tapped,
they would need a court order, but it's also a relatively routine (and
simpler) thing for them to do. Going after your email is harder to pull
off, and is more of a "one-off" project (each person's email will require
different techniques to tap, and not every two-bit cop can do this).

> By the way, have you heard that the Bush administration is charging
> people invovled in animal rights as terrorists?  For example, read
> about SHAC activists
> [http://www.pressaction.com/news/weblog/full_article/jones06152004/].
> So maybe, after all, I am legally a terrorist?  And if so, it that
> surprising that someone is reading my E-mail?

Frankly, in a country where hundreds of people get killed each year by
actual terrorists, nobody really bothers to spend too much effort in
catching the "terrorists" who spray-paint furs or free monkeys from

> Think again.  They cooperate with the Chinese government, and the
> United States government is known as a pro-Israeli government.

So what? I don't think that Google would give a rat's *** if some Mossad
agent came to them with the plea "please help us catch that tree-hugging
terrorist from Israel". If you suspect that Google do care, switch to
another email provider that doesn't. If animal rights are important to
you, maybe you can consider www.care2.com.

Nadav Har'El                        |        Monday, Sep 11 2006, 18 Elul 5766
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |-----------------------------------------
Phone +972-523-790466, ICQ 13349191 |God created the world out of nothing, but
http://nadav.harel.org.il           |the nothingness still shows through.

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