On Mon, 28 Jan 2008 13:00:06 Tom Rosenfeld wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I assume there is a simple answer to this.
> How do I get all of my linux workstation (all running the same version of
> CentOS 4) to use the same yum cache?

Hetz gave you the better, "school" solution.

I have a simpler solution that does not require you to build a yum server.

What I do:

1. In /etc/yum.conf change the keepcache option to: keepcache=1
2. Make the cache common to all machine (on an NFS disk)
   You can do it by changing the cachedir line in /etc/yum.conf to
   point to the NFS directory, or you can symlink /var/cache/yum to
   the NFS directory (I prefer this way, as this is the "standard"
   place for the cached files).

Now, you can run the update on each machine whenever it is convenient
the headers and RPMs will be loaded only once.

One drawback (?) is the filling of the cache with old packages,
You'll have to clear it yourself.


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