On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 10:01 PM, Aviram Jenik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Wednesday 14 May 2008 Amos Shapira wrote:
> > > Have a look in /etc/network/interfaces
> >
> > I was aware that NetworkManager looks at this file and from the
> googl'ing
> > around I realized that it won't deal with interfaces mentioned there,
> but
> > the entires that I found there were added by it so I didn't think of
> > removing them. Once I removed all entries (except for the loopback
> > interface) NetowrkManager resurrected from the dead and started working
> > again!
> NetworkManager doesn't add entries to /etc/network/interfaces and never
> did

Thanks for the update. I got the impression that something changed in the
way it works across the Gutsy->Hardy versions.

> >
> > Maybe the old entries were created by Gutsy's (7.10) and somehow broke
> > Hardy's (8.04) together with my tweaking attempts.
> If I were you I would try to figure out what made the changes, since if
> they
> come back it will again cause NM to ignore the interfaces. And you already
> know what it's like trying to debug NM when it doesn't work...

Could it be that:
1. Some of the command line tools I executed while trying to force NM to
accept the non-working access point could have made the change?
2. nm-applet touched this file?

1. It worked flowlessly with Gutsy since around December and with Hardy for
the last two-three weeks.
2. I did all sorts of stuff to try to force it to work with that particular
access point. It MUST have been something I did then.

Now to another question which I intended to leave to another thread but

The reason this AP didn't work for me was that the way nm-applet works is
that it asks interactively for the pass key when it finds a new AP.
The only form of the pass key that I had was in hex string. I copy/pasted it
multiple times into the input field but it didn't accept it.
Is there some special format that I should use in order to enter hex pass



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