On Sun, Jun 08, 2008 at 09:57:26AM +0300, Nadav Har'El wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 06, 2008, Dotan Cohen wrote about "Re: Anti-RTL mindset is 
> similar to anti-accessibility mindset":
> > You try running two toolkits at once on a 400 mHz processor with 128MB RAM, 
> > tell me how well it runs, then we'll discuss the option.
> When I first used X-Windows, the computer I used it on (a Sun machine) had
> a weaker CPU and less memory than what you describe. I don't remember having
> any problems running at the same time software using multiple "toolkits", like
> Xlib (e.g., xterm), Xaw (which was once popular), Openlook (well, it was a
> Sun), Tcl/Tk (this used to be my favorite), Motif, and even GTK (which 
> appeared
> with Gimp circa 1995).
> The fact that software is bloated and sucks isn't a fact of nature and wasn't
> even always true. It can, and should be, fixed. There is absolutely no reason
> why a toolkit like GTK should bloat the software that uses it. If OpenMoku
> can't use GTK because it's too bloated - then please place blame where blame
> is due, i.e., on GTK, not on OpenMoku.
> (Sorry for being harsh, and you can always refer to my signature below :-).

Right. Nowadays toolkits have all sorts of bloats. For instance, both
gtk and QT have support for this strange feature called bidirtionality
rendering, which most of the people in the world don't really use.

Good thing we have some sane toolkits like ETK ;-)

Tzafrir Cohen         | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | VIM is
http://tzafrir.org.il |                    | a Mutt's
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |                    |  best
ICQ# 16849754         |                    | friend

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