Gilad Ben-Yossef wrote:
At least in theory this should work. I say in theory, because I've been getting an error on my Ubuntu trying to open /proc/$PID/mem by YMMV:

$ cat /proc/$PID/mem | hexdump -c > before
$ cat /proc/$PID/mem | hexdump -c> after
You can only use /proc/PID/mem if you are already attached to that process as a debugger. This makes /proc/PID/mem somewhat redundant to using PTRACE_PEEKDATA. For some reason, even as a debugger, you cannot mmap it and use it as a forced shared mem mechanism. Furthermore, I have actually had cases where PTRACE_PEEKDATA returned data and /proc/PID/mem didn't for the same memory area, even when attached as a debugger. As such, I rate /proc/PID/mem as somewhere beneath useless.

What Noam is looking for, as far as I can tell, is something where pause the program and tell the debugger "now the value I'm looking for is 5", resume the program, play some more, and then pause it and say "now the value is 4". Eventually, hopefully, you narrow down the value to the point where you know where it is stored in memory, despite not having any prior knowledge about the program. This is not difficult to write (for some definition of "difficult").


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