On Wed, 2008-11-26 at 18:43 +0030, Hetz Ben Hamo wrote:
> Sorry, but I disagree with you.
> If someone is using the card for 2d only work without any 3d stuff,
> then the "nv" driver does great work, including good video support.
> There is also a development these days to create a driver from scratch
> and it's making good progress.
> Hetz

You're missing the main problem.
The nv driver is an unmaintained binary blob (Given that lack of
documentation) that receives sporadic undocumented patches by nVidia
personal. (Once a new card arrives)
In essence, it's no better than the nvidia binary driver.

The Noveau project (NV OSS driver) is a valiant effort, that is doomed
to fail. (Again, given the lack of cooperation from nVidia)

Now, I don't pretend to hold the moral higher ground here - mostly
because I've using a large number of nVidia cards coupled with their
binary driver.

I am claiming that ATI/AMD effort to "OSS" their drivers should be
rewarded by a switch to their brand. (I'm waiting for the OSS R500/600
driver to mature, before I start migrating to ATI/AMD)

- Gilboa

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