On Thursday 19 Nov 2009 23:24:04 Boris Shtrasman wrote:
> Howdy ,
> I'm a foss  developer ,so i prefer to use tested techniques and good
>  software. recently i found myself in a problem:
> I'm reimplementing good Foss solutions (parts of rsyslog , nmap , etc ... )
> I can speed up my work (C++ developer) by using allready created GPLv3 and
>  MIT software.
> As i see i need to use rsync (any variant) in closed source project in the
> next manner:
> application A calls rsync to upload to a file to remote server.
> (it is GPLv3 license afaik).
> Reading the license i didn't get a definitive answer.
> So when in need to develop with close source what is the way to use GPL
>  tools ?
> As in plain binaries (no use in source code or  source encapsulation).

If you're just executing GPLed binaries (using fork()+execve() or Win32's 
CreateProcess), then they can be executed from code of any licence, including 
proprietary licences. Only if you link to GPLed sources or include them inside 
your program, then you must release them under a GPL compatible licence. But 
it's possible for you to call other GPLv2/GPLv3 programs freely.


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/

Chuck Norris read the entire English Wikipedia in 24 hours. Twice.

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