2010/5/12 Elazar Leibovich <elaz...@gmail.com>

> I think you have to make a distinction between older MS software (such as
> XP) and newer ones (such as 7). For example you defenitely don't run as
> administrator in Windows 7, and you've got a built-in sudo like system.
> I, like some people who replied, had bad experience managing Windows
> machines, and it was usually viruses. However in recent versions I noticed
> that even at the hands of the inexperienced users, and without any virus
> scanner, the system stays relatively clean.
> The point about Windows complexity and background compatability is true and
> taken. It is against security, and maybe it tips the balance against MS and
> Windows related products security-wise.
> The other remark which I highly disagree is that there's no need to
> convince me. I'm discussing here in order to be convinced, and I'm usually
> glad when someone enlightens me.
> On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 3:17 PM, Micha Feigin <mi...@post.tau.ac.il>wrote:
>> On Tue, 11 May 2010 04:08:39 -0700
>> Elazar Leibovich <elaz...@gmail.com> wrote:
I do not understand how a discussion about Ubuntu as a development station
became into discussion about windows security and management.

Ori Idan
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