On Mon, Aug 30, 2010 at 5:20 PM, sammy ominsky <s...@avoidant.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Not exactly on-topic, but I thought I'd ask here anyway, because I don't
> know a better group of technically-informed Israelis.
> A client of ours  would like to take advantage of ISOC's offering of Hebrew
> domain names, but my DNS isn't set up to handle UTF-8, and it's not worth
> the effort to make it so for one client.  Can anyone here manage DNS for a
> Hebrew domain, and want to make a couple of shekels doing so?
What do you mean set up to handle UTF-8 ?

IDNs are very regular domains, with a minor change - the zone name contains
a double dash, which was previously "illegal". You define it as any other
domain your your DNS SW.

Just type the Hebrew domain name in Firefox, it will be converted to
xn--something [*] - that's what you put in your zone definition, and you're

IDNs were available on .com/.net for quite some time now; It's just ISOC
that were slow to adapt what the rest of the world did years ago...

-- Shimi

[*] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Punycode
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