> From my experience there is no problem opening in office 2007 docx written
> in office 2010.
> > BTW, if you think they improved ODF support you are dead wrong.
> > In the last years all ODF supporting programs were adapting
> > to the (now approved) ODF-1.2 -- care to check where is MS-Office
> > in this respect?
> > 
> > But we knew this would happen, didn't we?
> I will try it myself, before I judge. But yes, very expected.
> http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/try

I installed Windows 7, and Office from MS. I also installed the latest version 
of LibreOffice. 

In MsOffice I created a "test 1,2,3" document (in Hebrew, RTL), saved as ODT, 
and opened in LibreOffice. File loaded, directionality not working.

Created the same document in LibreOffice, saved and tried opening it in MSWord. 
This failed, as probably MSOfffice 2010 supports only ODF1.1 and LibreOffice 
supports only 1.1.

New test was downloading http://docs.oasis-open.org/office/v1.1/OS/OpenDocument-
v1.1.odt and opening it. The document opened in MSWord 2010 and LibreOffice 
The document length in pages was different in both applications. I then saved 
the document and loaded the document in LibreOffice - now the document size in 
LibreOffice was different (3 different page count, yes).

My brief conclusion of this experiment is that MSOffice 2010 supports ODF 1.1 
much as LibreOffice supports *.doc files.

If anyone wants to send me ODF files for testing, I can send him PDF files as 
respond, hoping that this will satisfy your curiosity.

One good thing that I can say about OSOffice, is that the loading and saving is 
done incrementally and faster then LibreOffice. LibreOffice felt like it was 
to explode while "editing" the document, and MSOffice felt quite good. 

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