Even though you say it is not your DNS provider, please note that unless
you manually set something else the Bezeq modem are notoriously unreliable
in my experience, they can be acting fine with one computer in their
network and almost completely barring access from another machine.....

2013/1/22 Shachar Shemesh <shac...@shemesh.biz>

>  I'll try to summarize in a single reply.
> You all made some very good suggestions, that are irrelevant for my case,
> I'm afraid.
> This is not the NIC. It's not its hardware or driver or firmware.
> Otherwise, the virtual machine would have experienced the same problem when
> bridging, and it doesn't.
> Dmesg has nothing.
> I will try and collect stats the next time the problem happens.
> I am using network manager, but I highly doubt it is part of the problem.
> The next time this problem happens, I'll try to take it down and set up the
> networking parameters manually, see if it makes any difference. As far as I
> can remember, I tried it and it didn't. I did try restarting nm, the
> network driver and the wireless switch that is the gateway (yes, all
> simultaneously), and that did not cause the problem to go away.
> Also, I'm using kernel 3.2.0-0.BPO.4-amd64 from the Debian squeeze
> backports.
> At work I ran into a similar problem in the past. There it was also a 3.2
> kernel, compiled from the vanilla tree (a couple of patches, both seem
> totally irrelevant). There the symptoms were similar, but there the TCP/IP
> stack would not receive any responses at all. DHCP would also fail. Running
> tcpdump, however, would show the packets arriving. There, too, the only way
> I found of resetting the problem was to reset the machine. I am beginning
> to suspect this is a kernel bug. It strikes me as weird, however, that it
> would happen to me on two distinct machines, and yet not show up on Google.
> Actually, that is not entirely true. I did find
> http://bbs.archbang.org/viewtopic.php?id=2435, but no solution. I'll keep
> on searching. It would help had I known how to trigger the bug...
> Shachar
> On 01/22/2013 02:32 AM, Baruch Shpirer wrote:
> Nothing in dmesg?
> Which nic hw and fw and driver version + kernel?
> Stats on nic
> Using nm?
> On Jan 20, 2013 2:49 PM, "Shachar Shemesh" <shac...@shemesh.biz> wrote:
>>  Hi all,
>> I have a really strange problem. On one of the computers in my house,
>> parts of the internet keep on disappearing. Sometimes half the internet is
>> inaccessible, and sometimes it's just a couple of sites (google is a
>> favorite for this problem).
>> This is, most definitely, NOT a router or ISP problem. Other computers on
>> the same network are working fine. A virtual machine connecting via a
>> bridge on the same network is working fine (via NAT it does not).
>> Bringing the interface down and back up does not help.
>> Existing connections remain connected, without a problem.
>> The only thing that restores connectivity is rebooting (!!)
>> There is nothing out of the ordinary in the routing table.
>> Ideas?
>> Shachar
>> --
>> Shachar Shemesh
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