On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 3:44 PM, Elazar Leibovich <elaz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sounds good, thanks (although it'll be harder to use from non-C programs).

I usually complement each kernel module with a user-mode C library
wrapped inside a nice / easy to use (...) C++ class that handles the
"difficult bits".
It far easier to make a C++ class that handles idiot-proof (E.g.
string commands) data than doing it inside the kernel.
(Plus, when a user mode library goes up the flame due to bad input,
you don't end up with a dead machine...)

> Do you have a good idea how to stream information as a response to ioctl?

Use TLV (type / length / value-array).

typedef union _answer_data_ {
       int __out error_code;
       int   __out next_answer_time;
       struct access_info {
              int __out access_count;
              int __out user_count;
} answer_data_t;

typedef struct _debug_request_
     request_t request_type;
     void *request_pointer;
     answer_t answer_type;  <--------------- Answer type. ( Enum, define, etc ).
     int answer_buffer_size;  <--------------- User supplied answer
buffer size (in answer_data union units).
     int __out answer_buffer_used;  <-------- Answer buffer used size
(number of answers copied by the kernel).
     answer_data_t *answer_data_array; <-- Answer buffer array
(user-mode pointer).
} debug_request_t;

Now, in-case of multiple answers, you simply
copy_to_user((void *)&debug_request_copy->answer_data_array[count],
                    (void *)&kernel_answer,
count ++;

.. To copy each answer to the user buffer.
Once the array is depleted, the kernel function returns with a valid
error code (E.g. -EEXIST) and tells to the user mode caller that
there's additional data to be read (E.g. until the kernel returns

Alternatively (and somewhat more complex) you can setup mmap over file
handle, and simply map a static kernel buffer directly to the user
mode. Though, unless you need to stream huge amounts of data and/or
ioctl performance penalty [50-200ns] is too high, I wouldn't bother.

BTW, Most likely your are aware of this, but just in case, never
access the user mode buffer directly. When you first access the
request buffer you copy it (copy_from_user) to kernel debug_request
(no need to allocate it, considering its size, you shouldn't have any
issues using stack, even on i386).

- Gilboa

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