On Thu, 11 Jun 2020 07:27:50 +0300
אורי <u...@speedy.net> wrote:

> Website is working now. But if I reboot the server again, I expect it
> to stop working.

After you've rebooted and it's stopped working:

View the unit file for apache2. Verify the user and group, and su to
that user.  Verify any stated current directory, and cd to that
directory. Now view the command to run, and perform that command on the
command line. View any output, error messages, etc. If it appears to
run, test that it's running right by viewing a website farmed out by

If Apache starts OK, at the command line, right after reboot, but
doesn't come up at reboot, that points an accusing finger at the
systemd unit file. One thing I'd do is prepend:

sleep 60; 

in front of the command in the unit file. If that "solves" the problem,
something happens during later reboot that enables it to start. Also,
look at the logs created when systemd tries (or doesn't try) to start



Steve Litt 
May 2020 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques
     of the Successful Technologist

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