+++ Shridhar Daithankar [linux-india] <21/02/02 12:31 +0530>:
> On 21 Feb 2002 at 11:29, Anish Issac Jacob wrote:
> > We are involved with a network with around 128 IP addresses but around
> > 600 machines, so we have setup a NAT server for every dept. (each dept.
> > having one of 192.168.y.xxx ip addresses).  This setup will have problems
> > when it comes to inter-department file sharing.
> 192.168.x.x is a range of 65536 addresses. Why don't you assign an ip to each 
> machine.

For OUTBOUND connections?  He has a /25 ... half a /24 (256 IPs) I guess.
However you can't go allotting all that to user's workstations.

So, allot each department a subnet of RFC1918 space and let them number
themselves any way they see fit within that subnet (either using static
192.168. IPs, or running a local DHCP server if they get too big)

Each subnet / department has a small quota of public IPs as well - for
running their NAT, mail / web servers etc [depends on how generous Anish
wants to be, and how many IPs he has]

> And AFAIK there are more ranges available for private IP spaces. and (172.16.xxx.xxx -- 172.31.xxx.xxx) - see RFC1918

> And of course set up an DNS for all those machines.. Saves much headache..

Yes.  Definitely. 

> And I really wonder, if you are using mutt, as your mail says, why you are
> not using any line warping..

Grab my muttrc from http://www.hserus.net/muttrc.html - it should help

Bloody hell.  Fortune must be psychic - picked up exactly the LOST tip I
wanted to point to from my muttrc.


Suresh Ramasubramanian  <---->  mallet <at> efn dot org
EMail Sturmbannfuhrer, Lower Middle Class Unix Sysadmin
[Linux One Stanza Tip]  From : <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
LOST #053        -**< Sub : Word wrapping with mutt and vim >**-
To set wordwrap on in mutt (if vim is used as the editor)  the
following setting needs to be put in your .muttrc
set editor="vim +':set textwidth=77' +':set wrap' +\`awk '/^$/
 {print i+2; exit} {i++}' %s\` %s" 
Join above lines with a space between last "/" and "{print"

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