Matti Aarnio wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 19, 2000 at 03:08:46PM -0600, Jeff V. Merkey wrote:
> > Matt said someone was diverting email.  diverting or intercepting email
> > is a crime in the US.
> > Perhaps Matt was wrong?
>         Or using words which have different sets of meanings for you
>         (lawyer mind?) vs. me (technical mind).
>         Checking my two different Webster Dictionaries, the mainline
>         meanings for the word seem to match also with ".forward" in
>         usual UNIX email sense.  (I really need to get also a good
>         British English dictionary to verify PROPER forms of words
>         and meanings ;) )
>         "intercept" - now that has definitely malicious meaning in it,
>         but "divert" - not in my mind.

The key word is "with malicious intent" -- you understand I think.  It's
your call Matt, I think you understand very well. 



>         I have noticed that I have to watch myself, or I will start
>         using terms like "killed the culprit", when less extremely
>         worded real meaning is "deleted the (likely) culprit's
>         subscription".
> > :-)
> >
> > Jeff
> /Matti Aarnio
> PS: Please Jeff, my name is *not* Matt, nor Matthew, although all share
>     same origins some 3000 years back in Hebrew...   Understanding how
>     that happened requires a review of European history for past 2000
>     years, which is not channel topic.
> -
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