Hello Mark,

(I'm sorry for my late reply.)

Mark Salyzyn wrote:
>> I'm trying to make the feature of multiple pmsg instances for ramoops.
> I like it, in fact I encourage it.

Thank you.

> Multiple instances does allow one to control individual content aging or
> priority, I agree with your assessment, but make sure that you have a
> bona fide user for it (even if it is just for yourself)?

Yes. There are embedded devices which have limited NVRAM and no
HDD/SSD. Especially in our usage, the devices are industrial
machinery. When we catch a system failure, for fixing the root cause of
the failure, we often have to distinguish if it happend suddenly or if
there were signs long before the failure. Multiple pmsg can help this
kind of cause analysis with small NVRAM because higher priority
messages are preserved for a long time.

> NB: ToDo: device tree support for pstore configuration

Would you mean pstore backend's configuration (e.g.'mem_address' in

Best regards,
Hiraku Toyooka

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