Darren Hart <dvh...@infradead.org> writes:

> Is there a good description of what is expected of a TAB member? How much time
> is involved? What makes a great TAB member?
> I've found: http://www.linuxfoundation.org/programs/advisory-councils/tab
> I've read the charter and scanned some of the minutes, but I'd still like to
> hear from some of the "incumbants". Specifically, what makes you successful 
> as a
> member of the TAB?

Also on the topic of the TAB and elections, I cannot figure out what:

  "Only one vote per candidate will be counted."

means in:

Each person present at the time of the election shall be handed a printed
ballot.  Voters may vote for as many candidates as they wish. Only one
vote per candidate will be counted. A space will be provided where
they can fill out the ballot in private and place it into a box to be
counted in private.


Is it "Only one vote per candidate per voter will be counted"?


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