
Am 13.05.2016 um 12:33 schrieb Wolfram Sang:
>> I was playing with the DRM framework and an old SiS graphics card. I
>> discovered this issue while trying to read the EDID from the monitor.
> So, there is no upstream user yet?


>> I have a few other SiS cards/models here and they all expose this
>> behavior. So I guess it's intentional(==cheaper?), although the HW docs
>> don't seem mention it explicitly.
> OK. Well. As this flag is potentially dangerous, I would prefer to not
> apply the patch unless there is an upstream user of this. If there is
> one, I'd be okay with applying it with the flag renamed to something
> like "dangerous_push_pull_bus" or similar with additional comments
> saying there is some (broken) HW which needs it but nobody should get
> the idea to design a bus like this.
> Makes sense?

Sure, thanks!

Best regards

> Regards,
>    Wolfram

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