On Fri, Aug 05, 2016 at 10:26:37AM +0530, PINTU KUMAR wrote:
> Hi All,
> For one of our ARM embedded product, we recently updated the Kernel version 
> from
> 3.4 to 3.18 and we noticed that the same application memory usage (PSS value)
> gone up by ~10% and for some cases it even crossed ~50%.
> There is no change in platform part. All platform component was built with ARM
> 32-bit toolchain.
> However, the Kernel is changed from 32-bit to 64-bit.
> Is upgrading Kernel version and moving from 32-bit to 64-bit is such a risk ?
> After the upgrade, what can we do further to reduce the application memory 
> usage
> ?
> Is there any other factor that will help us to improve without major
> modifications in platform ?
> As a proof, we did a small experiment on our Ubuntu-32 bit machine.
> We upgraded Ubuntu Kernel version from 3.13 to 4.01 and we observed the
> following:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------
> |UBUNTU-32 bit                |Kernel 3.13    |Kernel 4.03    |DIFF   |
> |CALCULATOR PSS       |6057 KB        |6466 KB        |409 KB |
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -------------
> So, just by upgrading the Kernel version: PSS value for calculator is 
> increased
> by 409KB.
> If anybody knows any in-sight about it please point out more details about the
> root cause.

One of culprit is [8c6e50b0290c, mm: introduce vm_ops->map_pages()].

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