On Fri, Feb 16, 2007 at 08:51:35PM +0000, Russell King wrote:
> You can't because it doesn't go through the interfaces you're hooking
> into.  Existing interfaces are "changed" to point at the UARTs using
> setserial, which does its work via an ioctl.

I see.

> Not specifically only userland - if it happens to be set when the port
> is registered then enable PPS support then as well.
> So:
> 1. uart_configure_port - if UPF_HARDPPS_CD is set, register the port
>    for PPS support.
> 2. uart_remove_one_port - if UPF_HARDPPS_CD is set, unregister the port
>    for PPS support.
> 3. uart_set_info - if changing UPF_HARDPPS_CD, appropriately register or
>    unregister the port for PPS support.

Ok. I'm going to study how to modify the code.

> PS, [EMAIL PROTECTED] dropped from the cc: since it rejects my
> postings.

I just fixed my spam filter (at least I hope so :).




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