At 11:41 AM 11/14/00, Richard B. Johnson wrote:
>On Tue, 14 Nov 2000, Michael Rothwell wrote:
> > "Richard B. Johnson" wrote:
> > > Multics???  [..] way too many persons on this list who know the 
> history of
> > > Unix to try this BS.
> >
> > So, you're saying their nine goals were bullshit? Multics had a lot of
> > problems. But it did a lot of ground-breaking. Perhaps you should reply
> > to the nine goals, or the general topic of "Enterpriseness," rather than
> > merely express your irrelevant hatred for Multics.
> >
>Relating some "nine goals of 'Enterprise Computing'" to Multics is
>the bullshit. When Multics was being developed, the singular goal
>was to make an operating system that worked on DEC Equipment without
>having to use DEC software. The emphasis was on trying to make it
>work period.

DEC?  Try GE, specifically the GE-645 (if my memory hasn't lost any bits).

Speaking of Multics, the last Multics system was just recently 
decomissioned.  I think 35 years is a very impressive lifetime for a 
computer system.  Linux, now at age 9, only has 26 years to go.


David Relson                   Osage Software Systems, Inc.
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