On Tue, 14 Nov 2000, Richard B. Johnson wrote:
> On Tue, 14 Nov 2000, Michael Rothwell wrote:
> > One historically significant "Enterprise" OS is Multics. It had nine
> > major goals. Perhaps we should think about how Linux measures up to
> > these 1965 goals for "Enterprise Computing."
> >
> Multics???  No way. It was abandoned as unusable and part of the
> kernel code, basically the boot loader, was modified to become
> part of Unix.

"take a look at the goals Multics had" != "please reimplement Multics"

Flaming is ok, but you should really read the WHOLE email
before replying, otherwise you might end up with a flame
that isn't relevant at all to the email it supposedly is
a reply to...

"What you're running that piece of shit Gnome?!?!"
       -- Miguel de Icaza, UKUUG 2000

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