> P.S.  "utter failure" was too harsh.  What sticks in my craw is that the
> world has to adjust to fit this new scheduler.
>       -Mike

Even when it's totally clear that this scheduler is doing what you asked it
do while the old one wasn't? It still bothers you that now you have to ask
for what you want rather than asking for what happens to give you what you

> Wrong.  I call a good job giving a _preference_ to the desktop.  I call
> rigid fairness impractical for the desktop, and a denial of reality.

Assuming you *want* that. It's possible that the desktop may not be
particularly important and the machine may be doing much more important
server work with critical latency issues. So if you want that, you have to
ask for it.

Again, your complaint is that the other server gave you what you wanted even
when you didn't ask for it. That's great for you but totally sucks for the
majority of other people who want something else.


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