On 04/12/2017 05:37 PM, Aaro Koskinen wrote:
> Please rather post a new version that also works with OCTEON. I don't
> think a partial driver should be merged; originally this driver was
> working fine with OCTEON so there should be no issue supporting that?!
Hey Aaro.

The difference is that Jan added scatter/gather support to take
advantage of the DMA FIFOs on Thunder. The same FIFOs exist on
Octeon parts 73xx, 76xx, 78xx, CNF73xx, and CNF75xx to name a
few. In order to support those, portions of the Octeon platform
code had to be rewritten as well as minor changes in the core
Cavium driver code. I have a fully tested patchset that cleanly
applies on top of Jan's v13 driver. My personal preference is
for the Octeon code to be a separate patch. I will defer that
decision to Jan, David and the MMC maintainers.


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