On 01/02/18 07:17 PM, Srivatsa S. Bhat wrote:
> Thank you for confirming! I'll send a patch to fix that (and the analogous

Great! Thanks!

>>>                  for (cd = chrdevs[major_to_index(i)]; cd; cd = cd->next)
>>>                          if (cd->major == i)
>>>                                  break;
>>>                  if (cd == NULL || cd->major != i)
>>>                                       ^^^^^^^^
>>> It seems that this latter condition is unnecessary, as it will never be
>>> true. (We'll reach here only if cd == NULL or cd->major == i).
>> Not quite. chrdevs[] may contain majors that also hit on the hash but don't 
>> equal 'i'. So the for loop will iterate through all hashes matching 'i' and 
>> if there is one or more and they all don't match 'i', it will fall through 
>> the loop and cd will be set to something non-null and not equal to i.
> Hmm, the code doesn't appear to be doing that though? The loop's fall
> through occurs one past the last entry, when cd == NULL. The only
> other way it can exit the loop is if it hits the break statement
> (which implies that cd->major == i). So what am I missing?

Oh, yup, you're right. Looking at it a second (or third) time, it should
be NULL or equal to 'i'.



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