> BTW... I'd really like to have a database of machine, kernel version,
> cpuinfo, config... So that questions like "what is the latest kernel
> that is known to be running on this hardware" and "what config should
> I start from".
> For example, I have nokia N810 here. It was supported by Linux at some
> point, but then we moved to dts, and stuff changed, and I can no
> longer figure how to boot it.
> I guess "what was last kernel that worked on Cyrix MII" is also
> relevant question.
> Is there such database? If not, would people be interested in
> contributing if I create one?

I am interested and will help. I have i486/i586/Pentium Pro/Pentium
II/Pentium II Xeon/Pentium 4 systems to test on. Oddly, I don't yet
have Pentium III systems.

I think an associated goal would be to fix those broken versions.

I think this is a great project for college students to get experience
with. Who else is interested?

- Matthew Whitehead

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