On Thu, Jun 21, 2018 at 06:42:52AM +0200, Chris Opperman wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> I agree completely. I was concerned whether the preprocessor definitions in
> p80211metadef.h were named according to some convention as there are
> many definitions named similarly there.

Yeah, sure but in that case leave this code alone until we get the time
to update all the definitions.

> I am considering renaming this specific definition to "p80211_dot11_keyid",
> would that be more acceptable?

There is probably a normal define that wireless drivers already use, but
I don't know networking enough to say what it is...  You should try
asking on linux-wireless.

It says in the header that the name is generated automatically?  Is that
true?  How does that work?

Probably it's better to make it upper case?  Are both the P80211 and the
DOT11 required or is DOT11 a subset?  Anyway, I don't think it's
possible to create a worse naming scheme than the driver already has so
I'm likely to approve anything you send.

dan carpenter

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