This commit refactored the implementation of TIOCGPTPEER, moving "case
TIOCGPTPEER" from pty_unix98_ioctl() to tty_ioctl().
pty_unix98_ioctl() is called by pty_unix98_compat_ioctl(), so before
the commit, TIOCGPTPEER worked for 32-bit userspace. Unfortunately
tty_compat_ioctl() does not call tty_ioctl() so after the commit,
TIOCGPTPEER from 32-bit userspace fails with ENOTTY.

Testcase in

I found this bug running the rr test suite.

Su ot deraeppa sah dna Rehtaf eht htiw saw hcihw, efil lanrete eht uoy
ot mialcorp ew dna, ti ot yfitset dna ti nees evah ew; deraeppa efil
eht. Efil fo Drow eht gninrecnoc mialcorp ew siht - dehcuot evah sdnah
ruo dna ta dekool evah ew hcihw, seye ruo htiw nees evah ew hcihw,
draeh evah ew hcihw, gninnigeb eht morf saw hcihw taht.

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