On Mon, Aug 26, 2019 at 04:38:29PM -0700, Nathan Chancellor wrote:
> Looks like that comes from tune_qsfp, which gets inlined into
> tune_serdes but I am far from an objtool expert so I am not
> really sure what kind of issues I am looking for. Adding Josh
> and Peter for a little more visibility.
> Here is the original .o file as well:
> https://github.com/nathanchance/creduce-files/raw/4e252c0ca19742c90be1445e6c722a43ae561144/rdma-objtool/platform.o.orig

     574:       0f 87 00 0c 00 00       ja     117a <tune_serdes+0xdfa>

It's jumping to la-la-land past the end of the function.


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