Attention for you outstanding payment,

How are you doing hoping all is well with you and your family? We know
you might have forgotten about this your outstanding compensation
payment due to delay on the delivery up till now.

Your ATM card worth of  $4.700,000.00 USD has been today deposited
with FedEx Express Courier Company to ship it to your home address.
Now contact FedEx Company Director. name : Dr . Sam Udo / E-mail: { } & Send to them your home address where to
ship the ATM Card to you such as;

Your name____________
Delivery Address:____
Phone Number:________
Your ID Card_________

Note, all charges regard this delivery has been paid except the safe
keeping fees which you will send to them before they can dispatch the
parcel to your destination. So, you can call them now at +229 61 21 00

Best Regards,

Eveline Baert

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