The current llvm/clang build procedure in samples/bpf/README.rst is
out of date. See below that the links are not accessible any more.

$ git clone
Cloning into 'llvm'...
fatal: unable to access '': Maximum (20) redirects 
$ git clone --depth 1
Cloning into 'clang'...
fatal: unable to access '': Maximum (20) 
redirects followed

The llvm community has adopted new ways to build the compiler. There are
different ways to build llvm/clang, the Clang Getting Started page [1] has
one way. As Yonghong said, it is better to just copy the build procedure
in Documentation/bpf/bpf_devel_QA.rst to keep consistent.

I verified the procedure and it is proved to be feasible, so we should
update README.rst to reflect the reality. At the same time, update the
related comment in Makefile.


Signed-off-by: Tiezhu Yang <>
Acked-by: Yonghong Song <>

v2: Update the commit message suggested by Yonghong,
    thank you very much.

 samples/bpf/Makefile   |  2 +-
 samples/bpf/README.rst | 17 ++++++++++-------
 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/samples/bpf/Makefile b/samples/bpf/Makefile
index 26fc96c..d061446 100644
--- a/samples/bpf/Makefile
+++ b/samples/bpf/Makefile
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ TPROGLDLIBS_xdpsock         += -pthread -lcap
 TPROGLDLIBS_xsk_fwd            += -pthread
 # Allows pointing LLC/CLANG to a LLVM backend with bpf support, redefine on 
-#  make M=samples/bpf/ LLC=~/git/llvm/build/bin/llc 
+# make M=samples/bpf LLC=~/git/llvm-project/llvm/build/bin/llc 
 LLC ?= llc
 CLANG ?= clang
 OPT ?= opt
diff --git a/samples/bpf/README.rst b/samples/bpf/README.rst
index dd34b2d..d1be438 100644
--- a/samples/bpf/README.rst
+++ b/samples/bpf/README.rst
@@ -65,17 +65,20 @@ To generate a smaller llc binary one can use::
 Quick sniplet for manually compiling LLVM and clang
 (build dependencies are cmake and gcc-c++)::
- $ git clone
- $ cd llvm/tools
- $ git clone --depth 1
- $ cd ..; mkdir build; cd build
- $ cmake .. -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD="BPF;X86"
- $ make -j $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN)
+ $ git clone
+ $ mkdir -p llvm-project/llvm/build/install
+ $ cd llvm-project/llvm/build
+ $ cmake .. -G "Ninja" -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD="BPF;X86" \
+            -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang"    \
+            -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF           \
+            -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release        \
+ $ ninja
 It is also possible to point make to the newly compiled 'llc' or
 'clang' command via redefining LLC or CLANG on the make command line::
- make M=samples/bpf LLC=~/git/llvm/build/bin/llc 
+ make M=samples/bpf LLC=~/git/llvm-project/llvm/build/bin/llc 
 Cross compiling samples

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